Nanbaka: The Numbers!
A very interesting
"comedy" series by Futamata
Shou. Well, It starts as a comedy
at least. Things get dark pretty quickly,
and switch between arcs of serious / dark storyline and comedic chapters throughout the series.

All the characters are very unique, both in appearance and personality. Most of them have unnatural hair and eye colors, and almost everyone has their nails painted. The series itself is very colorful, with sparkle effects featured in most scenes.

Nanbaka takes place in Nanba, the world's most formidable prison. It's built on an artificial island somewhere near Japan. The four main characters, Jyugo, Uno, Nico, and Rock (who I refer to as the Cell 13 Boys, as their all in Building 13, Cell 13.), were each arrested for different reasons, but were moved to Nanba for the same reason: they repeatedly broke out of any prison their were in.

Each of the Cell 13 Boys had a different ridiculous reason for breaking out of their previous prisons. Uno didn't want to miss a date with a girl, Rock hated the food, Nico hated the needles used to medicate him, and Jyugo just breaks out for fun.

They're left in the care of Building 13's Supervisor, Hajime Sugoroku, who often has to chase them back to their cell, despite the fact they have no real intention of leaving Nanba (The food is better, they medicate Nico with pills instead of injections, and Uno got broken up with). They find the game of cat and mouse fun. Hajime does


"But why do you love it so much?"

You might ask.

Well, there are many reasons, but the main one is the character Nico...

These panels. These two panels cemented him as my favroite character.
It is SO hard to find good representation of food allergies. And Nico is SO GOOD. It's not played off as a joke, it's just a one off statement. His friend(s) provide an alternative activity so he can still participate safely in the New Year's prep. There's no laughing or mocking or "aww that's so sad"-ing. It was just a nice brief character fact.

I just really really appreciated being able to see myself in acharacter without having to include headcanons. I have severe food allergies, I'm chronically ill, I love video games and comics and anime. He is ME.

Let's talk more about Nico, shall we?

Nico my ♥ BELOVED

My all time favorite character from anything ever! I relate to him a ton. We both have food allergies, are chronically ill, were/are bullied for our disabilities, lovers of video games, anime, and manga, etc. etc...

I have a lot of headcanons for him, and I'll slowly be listing them here! I've also made a few fandom AUs for him (namely Fullmetal Alchemist and Magi). I'll try to get around to adding info about those as well.

I ship him with Uno and stuff relating to that will likely be included in the headcanons!

& not to be cringe, but I hardcore kin Nico. He is me, I am him. Ya know how it is.
